Tuesday, August 21, 2012

VMDK file report to CSV using VMware PowerCLI

Below script will report all VMDK files, their location, size, attached VM to a CSV file.


$VMs = Get-VM *
$Data = @()

foreach ($VM in $VMs){
    $VMDKs = $VM | get-HardDisk
    foreach ($VMDK in $VMDKs) {
        if ($VMDK -ne $null){
            $CapacityGB = $VMDK.CapacityKB/1MB
            $CapacityGB = [int]$CapacityGB
            $into = New-Object PSObject
            Add-Member -InputObject $into -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMname $VM.Name
            Add-Member -InputObject $into -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Datastore $VMDK.FileName.Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[')
            Add-Member -InputObject $into -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMDK $VMDK.FileName.Split(']')[1].TrimStart('[')
            Add-Member -InputObject $into -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StorageFormat $VMDK.StorageFormat
            Add-Member -InputObject $into -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CapacityGB $CapacityGB
            $Data += $into

$Data | Sort-Object VMname,Datastore,VMDK | Export-Csv -Path F:\vmdk_report.csv –NoTypeInformation


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