You must know the CMM IP address to log into the CMM through the NET MGT port. You also must know the IP address of the service processor (SP) of any server module that you want to log into through the network.
Perform this task to identify the CMM IP addresses, such as when you want to log into the CMM through your network and the DHCP server assigned the IP address.
- Use one of the following methods to identify the CMM IP address:
Access the CMM ILOM though the SER MGT port.
- Connect a terminal device to the CMM SER MGT port.
- Log into the CMM though the CMM SER MGT port.
- View the CMM IP address and MAC address information:
-> show /CMM/network /CMM/network Targets: test Properties: commitpending = (Cannot show property) dhcp_server_ip = none ipaddress = ipdiscovery = static ipgateway = ipnetmask = macaddress = 00:21:28:3E:2B:B6 pendingipaddress = pendingipdiscovery = static pendingipgateway = pendingipnetmask = state = enabled switchconf = port0
- View the IP addresses or MAC address of server modules, using the ILOM show command with the path of each server module.
Replace the x in BLx with the number of the server module.
-> show /CH/BLx/SP/network /CH/BL0/SP/network Targets: Properties: type = Network Configuration commitpending = (Cannot show property) ipaddress = ipdiscovery = static ipgateway = ipnetmask = macaddress = 00:21:28:14:F6:5B pendingipaddress = pendingipdiscovery = static pendingipgateway = pendingipnetmask = state = enabled
On your DHCP server, review the IP address assignment information.
Sometimes you can obtain the IP address assignments by viewing the DHCP log files on the server. If you know the MAC address of the CMM or server module, you can locate the IP address assigned to it.
The CMM and server module MAC addresses are also listed on the Customer Information sheets that are included in a pouch on the outside of the shipping container.
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