Tuesday, February 26, 2013

HP 3PAR CLI command list

showalert        - show status of system alerts
showauthparam    - show authentication parameters
showbattery      - show battery status information
showblock        - show block mapping info for vvs, lds, pds
showcage         - show disk cage information
showcim          - show the CIM server information
showclienv       - show CLI environment parameters
showcpg          - show Common Provisioning Groups (CPGs)
showdate         - show date and time on all system nodes
showdomain       - show domains in the system
showdomainset    - show sets of domains in the system
showeeprom       - show node eeprom information
showeventlog     - show event logs
showfirmwaredb   - show current database of firmware levels
showhost         - show host and host path information
showhostset      - show sets of hosts in the system
showinventory    - show hardware inventory
showiscsisession - show iscsi sessions
showld           - show logical disks (LDs) in the system
showldch         - show LD to PD chunklet mapping
showldmap        - show LD to VV mapping
showlicense      - show installed license key
shownet          - show network configuration and status
shownode         - show node and its component information
shownodeenv      - show node environmental status (voltages,temperatures)
showpatch        - show what patches have been applied to the system
showpd           - show physical disks (PDs) in the system
showpdata        - show preserved data status
showpdch         - show status of selected chunklets of physical disks
showpdvv         - show PD to VV mapping
showport         - show Fibre Channel and iSCSI ports in the system
showportarp      - show ARP table for ports
showportdev      - show detailed information about devices on a Fibre Channel port
showportisns     - show iSNS host information for ports
showportlesb     - show Link Error Status Block information about devices on Fibre Channel port                         
showrcopy        - show remote copy configuration information
showrctransport  - show information about end-to-end transport for remote copy                         
showrsv          - show information about reservation and registration of VLUNs connected on a Fibre Channel port
showsched        - show scheduled tasks in the system
showsnmppw       - shows SNMP access passwords
showsnmpmgr      - show SNMP trap managers
showspace        - show estimated free space
showspare        - show information about spare and relocated chunklets
showsshkey       - show ssh public keys authorized by the current user
showsys          - show system information (system name, serial number etc.)
showsysmgr       - show system manager startup state
showtarget       - show unrecognized targets
showtask         - show information about tasks
showtemplate     - show templates
showtoc          - show system Table of Contents (TOC) summary
showtocgen       - show system Table of Contents (TOC) generation number
showuser         - show user accounts and SSH keys
showuseracl      - show user access control list
showuserconn     - show user connections
showversion      - show software versions
showvlun         - show virtual LUNs (VLUNs) in the system
showvv           - show virtual volumes (VVs) in the system
showvvmap        - show VV to LD mapping
showvvpd         - show VV distribution across PDs
showvvset        - show sets of VVs in the system
checkhealth        - perform checks to determine overall state of the system
checkpassword     - display authentication and authorization details
checkport         - perform loopback test on fc ports
checkpd           - perform surface scan or diagnostics on physical disks
checkld           - perform validity checks of data on logical disks
checkvv           - perform validity checks of virtual volume administrative information.


Unknown said...

Nice article, very helpful. thanks

Unknown said...

Nice article, very helpful. thanks

Prashant Sharma said...

thanks a lot dear

HPE Storage Engineer said...

some of show command have a sub command to use... for example.

showvlun ao showvlun -v ..

you can also try

showhost or showhost -pathsum

Unknown said...

Dont Visit this site triciajoy.com prank or stupid

Please help us allocation lun/VV to host on command line step to step commands with example.

1.create vv
2.create VVset
3.add VV to vvset
4.create hostset
5.export vvset to hostset or host

Unknown said...

what if the I have directly exported vv to a hostset. Will it cause any issues. Please assist.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

instead of creating a vvset. and then exporting the vvset to the hostset.

suresh said...

please let me know is there any command to find out what is the command to find volume is part of which vv set.